True to its theme, it is filled with tombstones and shallow graves. The Monsters you'll find follow a crypt-like theme and are largely basic. The Boss of The Cemetery is the Zombie Warlord.

The Sewer is a complicated maze underneath Death's capital. The capital's streets being impassable, the Sewer is thus the second step of the journey. Poisoned by demonic influence and having not seen a hint of maintenance in ages, its rooms are filled with toxic water, slime, defective sewer pipes, abandonned barrels filled with hazardous materials, and all other kinds of squishy and unsafe things. The Sewer is a breeding ground for slime-themed demons and monsters that Death tolerate in his domain. The secret passage to the Crypt is guarded by the Sewer Hag. The Crypt is Raga's intended destination and the final level of A Wizard's Lizard. A huge fortress built on top of the ruins of the world's former capital's citadel, it is a symbol of Death's power and hold over the world. Its halls are filled with a large variety of clever and deadly traps designed to pierce, crush, stab, and otherwise injure unwanted guests. Death's most powerful creations as well as demons from an abyssal cult that worship Death guard the Crypt. Death himself waits for the player in his throne room in the depths of this area, guarding the Wizard personally. Nancy Lukey is played by Shake It Up! star Bella Thorne.The Wizard's Tower is the starting point upon starting a new game.Justin mentions Scooby-Doo in this episode.

While reading the magazine, Alex says, "I know how Jennifer can get Brad back", a reference to Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.This seems unlikely since Justin is 17 and Alex is 16, meaning that Theresa and Jerry would have had them when they were 17-18. Justin and Alex state that their parents are thirty-five years-old.In " Future Harper", it was mentioned that Max had a lizard that supposedly 'ran away'. It is revealed that Max's most prized possession is a dead lizard.